a sweet message

When I sit with my soul and listen to my Father in Heaven, I hear a message. A sweet message of hope and change. This voice reminds me that money, fame, and power are only magnifiers of who we already are. Magnifiers of our goodness AND our weaknesses. The key is to be continually humbling ourselves along with our increases of money and power so that we can surrender our weaknesses to our loving God in exchange for peace and healing. It’s when we think that we can do everything alone and without His help that we will inevitably buckle under the pressure. We were never meant to progress alone. It is impossible. We need healthy attachments to healthy people, and most importantly we need to be continually aligning ourselves with God’s guidance and instruction. And OBEYING His guidance and instruction, which means giving up worldly vices to embrace spiritual purity. We are not expected to be perfect. Only progressing with grace.