Baby Angel, Baby Larissa

This is Angel. He is 4 weeks old. In his total innocent dependence on me, he is teaching me so much about my relationship with my Heavenly Parents.

At midnight last night, he woke me with a squawk to indicate that he was hungry. I got up and stumbled into the kitchen to mix a bottle of formula for him. I could hear his newborn tantrum getting louder as he howled from the bedroom. He didn’t understand why I wasn’t giving him instant gratification, but I knew there was a process I needed to follow before he could eat. By the time I returned with a warm, bottle of milk for him, he was so angry that his red little face was scrunched up and his little fists were swinging at the air! I gently picked him up and cradled him as he desperately took the bottle. I rocked him and softly said, “Im sorry I couldn’t get this for you sooner. I had to make sure it was perfectly mixed so it would be right for you.” As he looked up in my eyes, I had a moment of seeing what I must look like through God’s eyes.

I ask for what I want. He sees what I need. He lovingly starts putting things in motion. I want instant gratification, and I don’t understand why it’s taking so long. I think He has forgotten or abandoned me. I get angry and wonder why I’m still waiting. I shake my fist at the heavens. Then I feel him holding and comforting me and hear His patient voice whisper, “I’m sorry I couldn’t get this for you sooner. I had to make sure it was perfectly mixed so it would be right for you.”