

The crippling belief that we are not valuable is the deepest root of ALL problems.It’s why the suicide rate is devastatingly high and family members abandon each other.It’s why marriages don’t last and bullies hurt others.It’s why babies are aborted and homosexuals are shunned. It’s why skin color is suspicious and pornography abounds. How is …


Your light is measured by the level of darkness you can accept. What if you could feel WAY more happy when you stop trying to be happy, but allowed sadness, anger, confusion, frustration bubble up and just sit with it? Let it be seen and heard, loved in all of it’s messiness? What if instead …

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a sweet message

When I sit with my soul and listen to my Father in Heaven, I hear a message. A sweet message of hope and change. This voice reminds me that money, fame, and power are only magnifiers of who we already are. Magnifiers of our goodness AND our weaknesses. The key is to be continually humbling …

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Stay humble, my friends

It’s important to remember that even as we continually become more independent as individuals, we are still utterly dependent on the elements within and around us working together in perfect harmony. It keeps us humble.

Vulnerability and shame

Vulnerability is…hoping people will love you in your messiness. Hoping you can also love yourself in your messiness. It’s taking a chance to trust. It’s being betrayed and then mustering up the courage to forgive that betrayal. I’m such a mess! I don’t have it all together! I do and say the wrong things MOST …

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Empathy for the enemy?

People are so quick to cry foul when they think children are having too much screen time. People are quick to point out the terrifying statistics of children who are addicted to media. But what if we stepped back and took a look at the exhausted, overwhelmed, lonely parents who are raising children? How would …

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