The God I believe in

I was once told that we become like the God we believe in. The statement shook me to the core. It rang so true in my heart. It made me realize that I needed to really step back and get really clear about the God I believe in. I have spent the last three years sitting in daily meditation so I can connect with and really know the God I believe in.

You guys. He is amazing.

As I have spent this sacred time with Him, I have discovered some beliefs I had that are not true, and I have chosen to let those go. I have also discovered wonderful new things about Him that I never knew, and I embrace those.

The God I believe in has a heart that beats with my heart, feeling my joy and sorrowing over my pain.

My God does not judge me. Ever. He only wants me to be happy, and He knows I am doing my very best each day. He has no judgments about the path I walk. He just glad I am choosing to try. He walks closely with me every step of the way, guiding and encouraging me. My God honors my experiences, knowing that I learn only through experience.

My God does not judge me as making “right” or “wrong” choices, He observes me as making choices IN or OUT of alignment with His love and my truth.

My God knows me personally. He is totally aware of my thoughts, fears, insecurities, achievements, joys, and questions. He wants me to know how interested He is in me and my journey. My God loves to communicate with me.

My God does not punish me. He designed this universe to function as “cause and effect”. He has put systems into place that allow me to function within the structure and justice of universal laws, while receiving constant opportunities to re-align with Him again and again. Everything that happens to me is a consequence of my choices and is designed for my learning and growth. Through it all, my God pours his grace and love and protection on me.

While He does have a Plan for me, my God has no expectations of me. None. I am always, always enough in His eyes. My actions do not change my value to Him. He is never disappointed in me. He totally believes in me and always sees my potential. He rejoices in my happiness and comforts me in my pain.

My God is ever forgiving. Because of Him, I never run out of “second chances” as long as I am willing to continually surrender my pride to His will. My God teaches me to trust Him.

My God sees value in all life. He loves His unborn children, His special needs children, His mentally and emotionally challenged children, His elderly children, His gay children, His atheist children, His religious children, His addicted children, His angry children, His abused children, His female children, His male children. He loves us all the same. He loves all of His creations and values all plants, insects, animals, elements, and earth as great works of His hands. But we humans, His children created in His image, are His crowning masterpieces. He is so proud of us. He wants us to become like Him in every way.

My God wants a personal relationship with me. He wants me to know He is more than a faceless, nameless universal force. He shows me in so many ways every day that he is acutely aware of me and my needs. When I listen, I hear His voice. He guides people into my life and orchestrates circumstances designed to let me know that He is fully present as my spiritual Father in my life. He ALWAYS answers me when I ask, and ALWAYS holds me in purpose and love. Through His example, I am learning to create personal relationships with others, and to also hold them in purpose and love.

I have learned I can communicate with my Divine Father AND my Divine Mother. I am developing a relationship with both of them, and learning both the masculine and feminine aspects of my Heavenly Parents. Though separate dirties, they are one in their love and purpose for me. They are all-loving and intimately concerned with me. They want me to turn to Them and discuss my feelings and experiences.

I am on track to become like my Divine Parents. It’s in my spiritual DNA. I have set very clear intentions to emulate them. And I can be patient with my process because my life isn’t over yet.

My God is goodness, connection, kindness, humility, patience, diligence. He is creative, resourceful, abundant, generous, obedient, merciful, forgiving, and complete. ❤️

And I AM a Child of God.