thoughts on embracing pain for the good of the collective…

The pattern of pushing away or numbing pain never teaches how to look through it or to learn from it. Avoiding pain keeps us in limbo, breathless and waiting, a victim of our circumstances. It will set us up for longer-term heartache.

Learning to face and embrace the darkness of our pain is the only thing that opens our way through it. Pain can be a great catalyst for growth. We cannot have one without the other.

Consider the collective pain and uncertainty our planet is going through right now. We each have a choice to make about how we will use the uncertainty. Will we let it keep us dammed up, or embrace it and allow the blessing and healing of Heaven flow through us?

The key? Trust. Trust in the greater power, the greater wisdom, the greater mind and heart that holds all of us. Things may not turn out the way we HOPE, but they will turn out for our BEST. There is a great difference. And the key is trust. What a great opportunity we have right now to build our trust.

You guys, we are SO held, and SO loved. Take a few moments right now to breathe and feel that. Relax your belly, your shoulders, your jaw. So loved and so safe.