The crippling belief that we are not valuable is the deepest root of ALL problems.
It’s why the suicide rate is devastatingly high and family members abandon each other.
It’s why marriages don’t last and bullies hurt others.
It’s why babies are aborted and homosexuals are shunned. It’s why skin color is suspicious and pornography abounds.

How is it we have forgotten to teach each other the fundamental truth that EACH of us is a child of the loving Father in a Heaven? Connection is VITAL to our survival as humankind, and disconnection from our fundamental value is proving to be detrimental.
So know this. You exist, therefore you matter. You have PURPOSE. We NEED you. Please stay. Please contribute. We all have a part to play, a song to sing.
If you are disabled, you matter. We need you.
If you are elderly, you matter. We need you.
If you live in poverty, you matter. We need you.
If you are yet unborn, you matter. We need you.
If you are childless, you matter. We need you.
If you are gay, you matter. We need you.
If you are divorced, you matter. We need you.
If you have made terrible mistakes in your past, you matter. We need you.
If you are depressed, you matter. We need you.
If you are none of these things but still struggling with your own self worth, you matter. We need you.

Remember who you are. You are Divinity in human form. You have a spark of God Himself that LIVES in you.
You don’t have to “do” anything to earn your place in the world. You were born for it. YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT. Just be here. Just add your light to the collective goodness on this planet. Your simple existence here makes a HUGE difference.
You are enough.
You always were, and you always will be…enough.
#larissareedspeaks #reachout #iloveyou